
DGFT Digital Signature

DGFT DSC is mainly useful for DGFT Website transactions. Read the full details in below description.


What is DGFT Digital Signature ?

DGFT DSC is mainly useful for DGFT Website for various transactions like branch addition, iec code update or renewal, license application efiling. DGFT DSC is a Class 2 or Class 3 Digital Signature specially for DGFT Website EXIM Organizations. IEC Code is mandatory to take DGFT DSC.

Type of User ?

Only Organizations who holds a IEC Code can buy DGFT DSC, so Organization User can buy DGFT DSC.

DGFT Digital Signatures Validity ?

DGFT DSC can issued for 1 Year, 2 Years and 3 Years. 2 Years Validity is most popular.

What is USB Token ?

USB Token is a FIPS Certified hardware device mandatory to download digital signature in it. A password protected device to keep it safe.

Please contact us to confirm document required list for DGFT Digital Signatures.

Some of the important points about DGFT DSC:-

  • For online registration of the organization – DSC facilitates the online registration of organizations for foreign trade at the DGFT portal. It also authenticates the identity of the organization electronically.
  • For the DGFT license application – Digital Signature Certificate empowered with a multilayer cybersecurity feature. It makes the online procedure of applying for a license easy and protects from every sort of cyberattack.
  • For authenticity of the data – DGFT DSC has encryption and decryption mechanisms, so it is difficult to make any change or alteration in the documents doing any transaction at the DGFT portal.
  • Deduction in DGFT License Fees – The DGFT has reduced the cost of the license for import and export businesses if an organization submits an application online.
Choose User & Certificate Type

Organization User – Signing

Choose Validity & Token

2 Years with USB Token, 2 Years without USB Token, 3 Years with USB Token, 3 Years without USB Token


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